

Some news about the new national electronic identification system (ROeID)


The European Commission recognizes ROeID as the electronic identification system of the Romanian State, through the Notification published in the Official Journal of the European Union on September 12, 2024.

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MAXIM / Associates recruits senior lawyers


MAXIM / Associates recruits a senior lawyer (with a minimum of 2-3 years in the profession). The announcement is valid for the city of Cluj-Napoca.

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The new amendments to the Fiscal Code


Starting from 1 November 2023, Law 296/2023 came into force, which amended the Tax Code.

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MAXIM/Associates achieves a significant victory in a public procurement procedure


MAXIM/Associates has achieved a significant victory in a public procurement procedure related to a relevant road sector in the North-West region. The National Council for the Settlement of Disputes (NCSD) has ruled in favor of the arguments presented by

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MAXIM/Associates obtains an important victory in a public procurement litigation in the field of road infrastructure


MAXIM/Associates is happy to announce an important victory in a public procurement procedure regarding a relevant section of road in NW Romania, valued over 45 mil. Lei. The Court of Appeal’s ruling validated the arguments of the team of lawyers, c

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MAXIM / Associates recruits junior lawyers


MAXIM / Associates recruits junior lawyers, graduates of the Faculty of Law in Cluj (Babeș-Bolyai University), Bucharest, or Iași. The announcement is valid for Cluj-Napoca.

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MAXIM / Associates recruits senior lawyers


MAXIM / Associates recruits a lawyer with a minimum of 2-3 years of experience in the profession. The announcement is valid for Cluj-Napoca.

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MAXIM / Associates recruits junior lawyers


MAXIM / Associates recruits junior lawyers, graduates of the Faculty of Law in Cluj (Babeș-Bolyai University), Bucharest, or Iași. The announcement is valid for Cluj-Napoca.  

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MAXIM / Associates obtains a notable solution in terms of transfer pricing


We are delighted to share a favorable solution obtained by our team in terms of transfer pricing, which supports companies that carry out operations with intra-group companies/ affiliates.

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MAXIM/Associates provided all counseling, legal advice and representation in favor of the seller in the real estate transaction referring to the Babeș-Bolyai University purchase of the Opera Plaza hotel.


MAXIM / Associates provided all the counseling, legal advice, and representation in favor of the company that owns the Opera Plaza hotel, the first 5-star hotel in Cluj-Napoca, in the purchase of this real estate asset by the  Babeș-Bolyai Universit

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MAXIM / Associates recruits junior lawyers


MAXIM / Associates recruits junior lawyers, graduate of the Faculty of Law in Cluj (Babeș-Bolyai University), Bucharest or Iași.

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MAXIM / Associates recruits senior lawyers


MAXIM / Associates recruits a lawyer with a minimum of 2-3 years of experience in the profession.

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Exception of unconstitutionality regarding the Labor Code


The Cluj Court of Appeals has admitted a referral of the Romanian Constitutional Court related to the exception of unconstitutionality raised by MAXIM/ ASSOCIATES regarding the previsions of the second sentence of article 52 first paragraph lit. b) of the Romanian Labor Code.

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Exception of unconstitutionality – tax law


MAXIM / Associates obtains a referral to the Constitutional Court regarding the provisions of art. 79 ind. 1 of the Old Fiscal Code, regarding the taxation of incomes whose source has not been identified, in a complex fiscal dispute.

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MAXIM/Associates assists the Seller in a real estate transaction of over EUR 1 mi.


MAXIM/Associates assisted an entrepreneur from Cluj in a real estate transaction exceeding the amount of Eur 1 mil.

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