Some news about the new national electronic identification system (ROeID)


The European Commission recognizes ROeID as the electronic identification system of the Romanian State, through the Notification published in the Official Journal of the European Union on September 12, 2024. Following this, ROeID has been acknowledged by the member states of the European Union, holding a substantial level of trust, similar to the current identity card in Romania.


In 2014, Regulation No. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market was published. The purpose of this Regulation was to standardize the means of electronic identification for individuals and legal entities across 

member states. To this end, Article 12 (7)  stipulates the establishment of future procedural means necessary to facilitate cooperation between member states to foster a high level of trust and security.

Subsequently, to complement Regulation No. 910/2014, the European Commission issued Implementing Decision 2015/296, establishing procedural cooperation modalities between member states regarding electronic identification. Following this, member states were required to implement an internal electronic identification system.

In Romania, this system was implemented by the Authority for the Digitization of Romania, through the Centralized Software Platform for digital identification.

What is ROeID?

  1. ROeID is Romania’s solution for citizens' digital interactions with the administration, enabling the generation and management of digital identities for all Romanian citizens. The project's general objective is to improve and automatisation how citizens access government electronic services and ensure the unique electronic identity of every citizen using e-Government services.
  2. ROeID can be used in IT platforms managed by public institutions, similar to how authentication is done through Facebook or Google accounts for accessing other private platforms. Thus, ROeID is interconnected with Ghiș and other platforms of local administrative units.
  3. Moreover, ROeID benefits from an authentication method that allows access to multiple applications or services using the same login credentials.

What does the European Commission's recognition of the ROeID system mean?

  •  Granting this level of trust to the ROeID system allows the national electronic identity to be used across borders within the IT systems of EU member states. At the same time, Romanian citizens are guaranteed a trusted service for identification and authentication within national IT systems that provide e-government services and are enrolled in ROeID.
  • Citizens will have access to all digital operations, whether they are in the country or abroad. They can pay taxes, request, and obtain various documents through ROeID.
  • By holding an ROeID account, one can have their identity validated on the government platforms of the 27 European Union member states.



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